Emergency Situations

Report and Support is not intended for emergencies.  If you are in immediate danger or seriously injured, call 999 or the following numbers depending on your location and situation:
                    On Campus, Campus Safety:  Call 0121 359 2922 or via the Safezone app.
                    Off Campus, Emergency Services: 999 (or 112 from a mobile).  If you can’t speak:
                                 -  Listen to the questions from the 999 operator
                                 -  Respond by coughing or tapping the handset if you can, or by any other means to make yourself heard
                                 When asked, press 55 
We believe that discrimination is never OK and it might be worth checking out what constitutes discrimination before you decide what to do next. 
Talk to a friend or family member - talking things through with someone you trust can sometimes help. 
Is this a situation that could be resolved without intervention? For instance, talking to the person who is discriminating against you and telling them how this has affected you. You should only do this if you feel safe and confident to do so. 
Find out more about support both within and outside of the University for dealing with discrimination. 


  • Reporting to the University - You can choose to report with your contact details or anonymously using the buttons below.  If you provide contact details then an advisor will contact you and be able to talk through the options and support available to you, in confidence. If you choose to make a formal complaint to the University against a student or a member of staff then there are procedures which set out the steps you'll need to follow. 