Emergency Situations

Report and Support is not intended for emergencies.  If you are in immediate danger or seriously injured, call 999 or the following numbers depending on your location and situation:
                    On Campus, Campus Safety:  Call 0121 359 2922 or via the Safezone app.
                    Off Campus, Emergency Services: 999 (or 112 from a mobile).  If you can’t speak:
                                 -  Listen to the questions from the 999 operator
                                 -  Respond by coughing or tapping the handset if you can, or by any other means to make yourself heard
                                 When asked, press 55 
All incoming reports will be reviewed by one of two triage teams on a daily basis during working hours, Monday to Friday. 

Reports made by students or on their behalf will be triaged by: 

  • Head of Student Welfare 
  • Student Critical Incident Coordinator 

Reports made by staff or on their behalf will be triaged by:

  • Two Associate Directors of Human Resources 

The Triage Team will review cases and assign to relevant internal services if and as requested by the self-reporting student or self-reporting member of staff concerned.  

Triage Teams will acknowledge receipt of reports within 3 working day and confirmation of next steps.

For students who report an incident that has happened to them and who have shared contact details:

Each report received will be handled sensitively, with respect, and on a case by case basis. 

  • If you are seeking investigation or precautionary action, you will be assigned to a Senior Academic Services Officer, who will then contact you to discuss next steps. 
  • If sensitive assistance might be needed, a member of your Triage Team will contact you to talk through potential options. 
  • If you request support from our student support services within the University or Students’ Union or to external support agencies and charities, the Triage Team can offer assistance in making initial contacts. 
  • All students concerned in an investigation must be treated fairly up to and during any investigation that may take place and have access to support and representation. Students who request representation will be referred to the Advice and Representation Centre (ARC) for independent assistance. 

For staff who report an incident that has happened to them and have shared contact details :

Each report received will be handled sensitively, with respect, and on a case by case basis. 

  • If you are seeking investigation or precautionary action, your case will be triaged and will be assigned to a member of HR, who will then contact you to discuss next steps. 
  • If sensitive assistance might be needed, a member of HR will contact you to talk through potential options. 
  • If you request support from our occupational health provider or staff counselling service (Pam Assist) or from external support agencies and charities, the member of HR can offer assistance in making initial contacts. 
  • All employees concerned in an investigation will be treated fairly up to and during any investigation that may take place and have access to support and representation. 

If I report something with contact details, will the University launch an investigation, formal complaint, or tell the police or my family?

No.  You remain in control of what happens to the information you report unless: 

  • your life or the life of others is at serious risk, for example if you state that you or someone else has plans to complete suicide, or if there are serious threats to other people’s lives 
  • you are under 18 years of age 

What happens if I report an incident that has happened to me anonymously?

We will use this information to better understand what is happening within and around our University community, identify and monitor any developing trends, and to inform proactive and preventative work. 

Can a student submit a report about a member of staff, or a member of staff report about a student?


What happens If I report an incident that has happened to someone else?

You will receive acknowledgement that your report has been received and will be investigated.  For confidentiality reasons, we cannot provide you with further updates.