Emergency Situations

Report and Support is not intended for emergencies.  If you are in immediate danger or seriously injured, call 999 or the following numbers depending on your location and situation:
                    On Campus, Campus Safety:  Call 0121 359 2922 or via the Safezone app.
                    Off Campus, Emergency Services: 999 (or 112 from a mobile).  If you can’t speak:
                                 -  Listen to the questions from the 999 operator
                                 -  Respond by coughing or tapping the handset if you can, or by any other means to make yourself heard
                                 When asked, press 55 
We appreciate that it can be very distressing if you have been accused of any of any of the categories of behaviours within this reporting platform. No party will be considered at fault until a report has been reviewed and investigated.  Each party involved will be treated fairly and offered advice and support. 

For a better understanding of the behaviour reported and support available, it might be helpful to read through the information that is available on the category of behaviour that is most relevant to your situation: 

When behaviour breaches Aston University’s policies, disciplinary action may be taken. Details of how these investigations might be conducted can be found in Aston Student Code of Conduct , our Regulations on Student Discipline  and the Staff Disciplinary Policies.
